Fertility does not come in one size fits all!
One thing my fertility journey taught me was every single woman has their own story. And 8 out of 10 of them don’t share! Go figure!?
So why in this day are women still so closed off to speaking up about their journey’s unless prompted. Is there still stigma attached to it being a private topic? A taboo subject? You tell me.
My view and sometimes it may come across as blunt (insert warning here), but we need to speak up more. Younger generations coming through now could really teach us a thing or to, but we need to make it ok for young women now to discuss their periods, their pregnancies, their losses, their critical illnesses like Endometriosis.
There are some great pages out there now on all these topics but one thing I still feel we need to do more is reach out to women in your close groups, gyms, coffee buddies to see how they are. Have they got a story they have never shared? A trauma from a pregnancy loss that was 20 years ago or even last week.
Is not so dissimilar than that. Sadly, I have battled for 15 years with Endometriosis, Adenomyosis & fibroids which has led to no babies and a hysterectomy and in my case THANK GOD my uterus is now gone! BUT… I had my fair share of loss.
My first was so traumatic I actually can’t tell you too much as my mind has blocked so much of it out! I just know I miscarried at around 18 weeks alone in my bedroom. Now tell me deep rooted trauma doesn’t come from this kind of shit!

It is only now I am 45 (recently 44), that I have started working on this part of my life a little deeper. And it got me to thinking while I was holding sound events and one to one healing treatments, ‘how many other women are holding these kinds of experiences inside too’?
If I need help, then by gosh I am pretty damn sure they do too!
“Your body, mind & soul are always listening.”
So, if this is you. Stay tuned. I am going to dive in deeper to this topic, possibly start a poddy and definitely launch into some kick ass events to help you, my fellow human, to heal that past stuff that now deserves to be set free.
Check out the upgoing events page or click link below and I hope to see you there or drop into my DM’s! Always love a good natter!
Peace and love to you my fellow warrior. I see you. I hear you. I am you xx
Support & Sound for Fertility & Loss – The M Rooms
Michelle x

Thank you for speaking up and normalising for us that we don’t have to be ashamed or uncomfortable to share these kinds of struggles and thank you for sharing you own story. 🥰🥰
Thank you so much beautiful. And your right! We need to speak up so our younger generation feels comfortable too! xx
As someone who has been incredibly fortunate not to have had fertility issues, I think in the back of my mind I held back, believing I would not be able to help or be the ‘right person’ as I hadn’t had the same experience.
Time has told me this isn’t necessarily the case. And it is only recently when a family member close to me had a pregnancy loss, I truely saw first hand how life altering this event is.
I think your circle and event for women that have/are going through this, who need to feel heard, is a beautiful and much needed space xx
Thank you beautiful. I am sorry to hear about your family member. Much love her way. And thank you ref Events! I am beyond excited and hope this is the start of something life changing for many many women. x
Thankyou for sharing 🤍
Thank you beautiful x
Thank you for sharing your story. Truly an amazing movement and a ver inspiring woman x
Thank you, darling heart. x
I have experienced my closest friends struggle with fertility issues and how devastating it was for them, even when they held a lot back from me. I think there is still a stigma of shame and failure. I guess it has been passed down from previous generations. I remember my Gran telling me that after giving birth to a still born baby in the 50’s she was told ‘You can cry and grieve today, then no more’.
Thank you for sharing beautiful. And how sad for your gran. So many women were silenced or even forced to give up, stay silent and the rest. Sending you love. xx