My Process

Dealing with the loss of your baby?

Struggling with a fertility battle?

Do you feel like if someone asks you if you are “OK”, then you may crumble?

Our sound healing sessions together are carefully curated to address the specific needs and experiences of women navigating pregnancy loss and infertility. Through the gentle vibrations and harmonious frequencies of sound, I create a soothing atmosphere conducive to RELAXATION, RELEASE, and REJEUVENATION.

I can help you move from sadness, anger & overwhelm to inner peace, love and acceptance for what is to come.

I can provide you with the tools you need to cope with the loneliness that loss brings.

Ready to feel some peace and clear some emotional blocks?

Let’s go!

I’m passionate about helping women find ways of coping with their emotional struggles surrounding fertility & loss.

I can offer you the space to STOP! BE STILL….

I can guide you through with my skills as a coach & rebalance you with my skills as a healer.

This is where we create the magic! I got you!